Any user of the Selina Wamucii platform can submit reviews for items listed on Selina Wamucii. Selina Wamucii encourage you to share your views, both favorable and otherwise
Customer Reviews help other customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

Any customer review you put on Selina Wamucii’s listed produce and or vendors should give customers genuine product feedback from fellow shoppers. We have a zero-tolerance policy for any review designed to mislead or manipulate other customers.

Selina Wamucii SHALL NOT allow anyone to write reviews as a form of promotion.

The following are types of reviews that Selina Wamucii will not allow and or will remove:

  • A review by someone who has a financial interest in the product, be it direct or indirect.
  • A review by a user who is perceived to have a close personal relationship with the product’s vendor/shipper.
  • A review by the product’s vendor be it a cooperative, farmer group or exporter, posting as an unbiased buyer/importer.
  • Several negative reviews for the same produce from one reviewer.
  • A review posted to gain a monetary reward.
  • A negative review from a vendor on a competitor’s produce.